Index of Public Functions and Variables in clj-plaza
This page has an alphabetical index of all the documented functions and variables
alter-root-model function plaza.rdf.core Alters the root binding for the default model. Thi...
alter-root-rdf-ns function plaza.rdf.core Alters the root binding for the default model. Thi...
and? function plaza.rdf.predicates Applies and to a series of matchers.
blank-node? function plaza.rdf.predicates Matches a blank node with a certain id.
build-model function plaza.rdf.core Creates a new model to store triples.
build-query function plaza.rdf.sparql Transforms a query representation into a Jena Quer...
d function plaza.rdf.core shorthand for rdf-typed-literal.
datatype? function plaza.rdf.predicates Matches the value or the value and language of a...
date function plaza.rdf.core Shortcut for rdf-date.
defmodel macro plaza.rdf.core Sets up the default model for a set of forms and r...
defquery macro plaza.rdf.sparql Sets up a default query for a set of form that des...
document-to-model function plaza.rdf.core Adds a set of triples read from a serialized docum...
expand-ns function plaza.rdf.core Provided a pair [ns local] tries to expand the ns ...
find-datatype function plaza.rdf.core Finds the right datatype object from the string re...
find-ns-registry function plaza.rdf.core Checks if a provided namespace has an associated u...
find-ns-registry-by-uri function plaza.rdf.core Checks if a provided namespace has an associated u...
find-resource-uris function plaza.rdf.core Retrieves the resource uris (collections triples w...
find-resources function plaza.rdf.core Retrieves the resources (collections triples with ...
fn-apply? function plaza.rdf.predicates Applies a function to a value.
fn-triple-apply? function plaza.rdf.predicates Applies a function to a value.
fold-list function plaza.utils Transforms a list: [1 2 3 4] -> [[1 2] [3 4]].
grab-document-url function plaza.utils Retrieves an input stream from a remote URL.
is-blank-node function plaza.rdf.core Checks if a RDF resource.
is-blank-node? function plaza.rdf.predicates Matches a blank node.
is-literal? function plaza.rdf.predicates Matches a literal with a certain literal value.
is-model function plaza.rdf.core Checks if an object is a model.
is-optional? function plaza.rdf.predicates Checks if a triple is an optional part of a quer...
is-resource function plaza.rdf.core Matches a literal with a certain literal value.
is-resource? function plaza.rdf.predicates Matches a literal with a certain literal value.
is-variable? function plaza.rdf.predicates Matches a variable.
keyword-to-string function plaza.utils transforms a keyword into a string.
l function plaza.rdf.core shorthand for rdf-literal.
literal-datatype-uri function plaza.rdf.core Returns the datatype URI associated to this litera...
literal-fn? function plaza.rdf.predicates Applies a custom predicate function to a literal.
literal-language function plaza.rdf.core Returns the language of a literal.
literal-lexical-form function plaza.rdf.core Returns the lexical form associated to this litera...
literal-value function plaza.rdf.core Returns the value of a literal.
literal-value? function plaza.rdf.predicates Matches a literal with a certain literal value.
literal? function plaza.rdf.predicates Matches the value or the value and language of a...
make-filter function plaza.rdf.sparql Makes a new filter expression.
make-pattern function plaza.rdf.sparql Builds a new pattern representation.
make-triples function plaza.rdf.core Builds a new collection of triples.
model-add-triples function plaza.rdf.core Adds a collection of triples to a model.
model-query function plaza.rdf.sparql Queries a model and returns a map of bindings.
model-query-triples function plaza.rdf.sparql Queries a model and returns a list of triple sets ...
model-remove-triples function plaza.rdf.core Removes a collection of triples to a model.
model-to-format function plaza.rdf.core Writes a model using the chosen format.
model-to-triples function plaza.rdf.core Extracts the triples stored into a model.
not? function plaza.rdf.predicates Negates a clause query.
o function plaza.rdf.core Shortcut for object-from-triple.
object-and? function plaza.rdf.predicates Checks a condition over the object of a triple.
object-from-triple function plaza.rdf.core Extract the object from a triple.
object-or? function plaza.rdf.predicates Checks a condition over the object of a triple.
object? function plaza.rdf.predicates Checks a condition over the object of a triple.
opt macro plaza.rdf.core A shortcut for optional.
optional function plaza.rdf.core Marks the provided list of triples as optional tri...
or? function plaza.rdf.predicates Applies or to a series of matchers.
p function plaza.rdf.core Shortcut for predicate-from-triple.
pattern-apply function plaza.rdf.sparql Applies a pattern to a set of triples.
pattern-bind function plaza.rdf.sparql Binds variables in a pattern with some values.
pattern-collect-vars function plaza.rdf.sparql Returns an array with all the vars in a pattern.
predicate-and? function plaza.rdf.predicates Checks a condition over the predicate of a tripl...
predicate-from-triple function plaza.rdf.core Extract the predicate from a triple.
predicate-or? function plaza.rdf.predicates Checks a condition over the predicate of a tripl...
predicate? function plaza.rdf.predicates Checks a condition over the predicate of a tripl...
qname-local? function plaza.rdf.predicates Matches a URI or curie against a triple atom.
qname-prefix? function plaza.rdf.predicates Matches a URI or curie against a triple atom.
query-add-var function plaza.rdf.sparql Adds a var to the collection of vars in the query.
query-remove-var function plaza.rdf.sparql Removes a var from the collection of vars in the q...
query-set-distinct function plaza.rdf.sparql Sets a distinct contrain in the results.
query-set-filters function plaza.rdf.sparql Set a collection of filters for the query.
query-set-limit function plaza.rdf.sparql Sets a limit in the number of results.
query-set-offset function plaza.rdf.sparql Sets an offset in the results.
query-set-pattern function plaza.rdf.sparql Sets the pattern for the query.
query-set-reduced function plaza.rdf.sparql Sets a reduced constrain in the results.
query-set-type function plaza.rdf.sparql Sets the type of a query.
query-set-vars function plaza.rdf.sparql Set a collection of vars for the query.
query-to-string function plaza.rdf.sparql Returns the strin representation of a query.
query-unset-distinct function plaza.rdf.sparql Removes the distinct constrain in the results.
query-unset-limit function plaza.rdf.sparql Removes the limit constrain in the number of resul...
query-unset-offset function plaza.rdf.sparql Removes the offset constraint in the results.
query-unset-reduced function plaza.rdf.sparql Removes the reduced constrain in the number result...
rdf-clone function plaza.rdf.core Clones a triple component.
rdf-date function plaza.rdf.core Creates a new RDF date.
rdf-literal function plaza.rdf.core Creates a new rdf literal.
rdf-property function plaza.rdf.core Creates a new rdf property.
rdf-resource function plaza.rdf.core Creates a new rdf resource.
rdf-triple function plaza.rdf.core Parses a RDF triple.
rdf-typed-literal function plaza.rdf.core Creates a new rdf literal with an associated type.
regex? function plaza.rdf.predicates Checks if a value matches a ceratin regular expr...
register-rdf-ns function plaza.rdf.core Add a registered namespace to the registry of name...
reset-model function plaza.rdf.core Resets the root model with a fresh model object.
resource-qname-local function plaza.rdf.core Returns the local part of the qname of the resourc...
resource-qname-prefix function plaza.rdf.core Returns the prefix part of the qname of the resour...
resource-uri function plaza.rdf.core Returns the URI of a resource (subject, predicate ...
s function plaza.rdf.core Shortcut for subject-from-triple.
sparql-to-pattern function plaza.rdf.sparql Parses a SPARQL query and transform it into a patt...
sparql-to-query function plaza.rdf.sparql Parses a SPARQL query and builds a whole query dic...
subject-and? function plaza.rdf.predicates Checks a condition over the subject of a triple.
subject-from-triple function plaza.rdf.core Extract the subject from a triple.
subject-or? function plaza.rdf.predicates Checks a condition over the subject of a triple.
subject? function plaza.rdf.predicates Checks a condition over the subject of a triple.
tc function plaza.rdf.predicates Shortcut for triple-check.
tca function plaza.rdf.predicates Shortcut for triple-check-apply.
triple-and? function plaza.rdf.predicates Checks if one triple matches a set of conditions.
triple-check function plaza.rdf.predicates Checks if one triple matches a set of conditions.
triple-check-apply function plaza.rdf.predicates Applies a predicate to a concrete value.
triple-object function plaza.rdf.core Defines the object of a statement.
triple-or? function plaza.rdf.predicates Checks if one triple matches a set of conditions.
triple-predicate function plaza.rdf.core Defines the predicate of a statement.
triple-subject function plaza.rdf.core Defines a subject for a statement.
triple-transform function plaza.rdf.predicates Accepts a single argument function that will rec...
triples-abstraction function plaza.rdf.core Transforms a set of triples into a pattern replaci...
triples-to-format function plaza.rdf.core Writes a set of triple using the .
tt function plaza.rdf.predicates Shortcut for triple-transform.
uri? function plaza.rdf.predicates Matches a URI or curie against a triple atom.
with-model macro plaza.rdf.core Sets up the default model for a set of forms.
with-rdf-ns macro plaza.rdf.core Sets up the default namespace for a set of forms.